Light worker – shine and pass your unique light / express yourself so others can benefit / be of service
Trust, Belief and Confidence
Faith. Believing in something greater than you – humility.
Non-judgement – Letting people be and letting them go with love
Love & Possibility vs. Fear
Focus on Opportunities rather than Threads
- – Breathing, EFT (emotional freedom technique), alpha brain frequency – brain slowing down, Tapping with fingers
- – Choose 6 beliefs you want to implement.
Comparison danger:
Comparing and Consuming (negative feelings come out of this)
Building, Creating and Reflecting (feelings of satisfaction)
Uniqueness, Being yourself and Authenticity – Being True to yourself and Speaking your Beliefs
Hero – Pride / Ego / Will / Immature / Doing by himself and for himself
Disciple – Confidence (trust in higher force) / Mature / Doing with someone else (having a support) and for someone else